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Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay

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Bentonite is a popular clay that comes from naturally occurring volcanic ash sediments here in the United States. Bentonite can be used externally as a clay poultice, mud pack, or in skin care recipes.

Bentonite Clay has an off-white color when dry and has a silky, soft, finely grained texture. When this clay is wet the smooth sticky paste is easy to spread, an indication of high quality. Due to the fine texture of the dry powder, our bentonite clay uses less liquid to make a smooth paste for cosmetic application.

It contains a range of nutrients and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium, copper, iron and potassium. It nourishes skin and hair by balancing oil production, removing dead skin cells, clearing clogged pores and fighting bacteria.

2 oz