February is Miranda & Whitley's birthday month!! 🎂 We are celebrating by having a new collections of products on sale each week! 🥳🎉 Don't miss out! 🎁 Follow us on social media! 📞💻 All Sprays 20% Off 2/1 through 2/7 Discount taken at checkout ✔️ Happy Shopping! 🛍

About Us

Sweetgrass Soaps began as a farm, a dream between my husband and I, to live self sufficiently on our own chunk of chemical free earth. We were just beginning our family, and had a home on an acre in the hustle and bustle of Sioux Falls, SD. I grew up on a cattle ranch and had invaluable experience with the flora and fauna of the SD prairie. My husband has a passion for everything green and good. We began to turn our little acre into a haven of gardens, backyard chickens and serene hiding spots. Eating organic, local and sustainably became increasingly important to us. During this time, we had a successful little CSA and were part of a weekly local farmer’s market. Sweetgrass Farm was born!

As we grew in our knowledge and our girls grew out of diapers, we took a look around at the other items around us that needed the same scrutiny. I have always had a love of bath and body products, and had my fair share stuffed in the drawers, and stacked on the edges of the tub of our little bathroom. I began to read labels more consciously, and became pretty nervous about all the things I could not pronounce. I decided to seek out alternatives and my home soaping adventures began!

It started out small, with a nervous toe dipped into the pool that is a combination of natural fats and lye. A completely bland, natural bar of soap. Our lives were forever changed! I made a few more batches and began giving to family and friends as Christmas gifts that year. The demand for more, was shocking and exciting. I began to throw little piles of soaps on our table at the farmer’s market and it began to outsell our produce!

Maybe I should have began the story by telling you I’m a tattoo artist. Visual art is in my veins, and creative urges are never to be ignored. So naturally, I began to experiment with natural additives for color, texture, benefits and the like. My true mission with my products is to keep them so bare bones, and simple, yet satisfyingly beautiful and luxurious.

Around this time our eyes began to wander and we stumbled upon a sunny little acreage just west of Viborg SD... 8 acres, a cute farmhouse, goats, ducks, chickens, pigs, bunnies, dogs,and kitties later...

We have now grown and harvested countless herbs, wild and hand sown, our own beeswax and honey, fruits and the fats of the land to provide real, sustainable, chemical free ingredients for all my bath and body products. Among these wonders, we are also now providing sacred herbs such as Sweetgrass, Sage, Cedar, Juniper, Mullein, Tobbaco and many others that are native and so important to our local indigenous and surrounding community.

I am also Native American. Enrolled on the Fort Berthold Reservation of North Dakota,my ancestors are among the Hidatsa, Mandan, and Standing Rock Sioux. I present my products with great pride and do all I can to honor the great people of the plains that made use of the natural bounty of our prairies.

We opened a retail shop in Downtown Sioux Falls this year!

Visit us at 319 N. Main Ave, Sioux Falls, SD